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Corn plaster

Saniplast innova

Content SANIPLAST innova:
10p - 57x19 mm
Features SANIPLAST innova:
SANIPLAST innova patch for corns with salicylic acid.
Composition SANIPLAST innova:
40% salicylic acid, a protective pad that protects the affected area and helps remove corn containing 0.04 g of salicylic acid.
User manual SANIPLAST innova:
Before applying, wash the affected area with soap and water. Unpack the patch and glue to dry skin. Be sure to ring the NAPL was just over KUŘIM eye. Change the patch daily. For 4-5 days of treatment you should get rid of the root corns. If necessary, repeat the treatment.
Note SANIPLAST innova:
Do not use if you are allergic to salicylic acid and salicylates. Do not hold the wounds and damaged skin. If you suffer from renal dysfunction use of pre-consult with your doctor. Do not let the patch came into contact with mucous membranes, and certainly not with the eyes. Salicylic acid enhances the skin permeability for other topical drugs. Prohibition of use of diabetics and people with poor blood circulation. Do not use in children and pregnant women unless the doctor recommends.
The patch can only be used once and must never be used patch should be used for another patient. With repeated use, may clog infection.
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